We are delighted that you have found our website and warmly welcome you to browse through its various pages. Whether you are just passing through, live or even plan to live in Basel, why don't you come to our Sunday morning worship service. In addition to our regular Sunday worship services, we have weekly bible studies and prayer groups. There are also Sunday School programmes dedicated to different age groups, as well crèche facilities for children under 3 years old.
We would very much like to get to know you and perhaps to be of service to you in some way. So please join us in the study of God’s Word, the Bible, and in offering Prayer, Praise, and Thanksgiving to Him, through our Lord Jesus Christ with the help of the Holy Spirit.
In His Grace,
The Members, the Board, and Pastoral Council of the Basel Christian Fellowship
Recent Sermons
Psalm 1:1-6, "Having real, lasting happiness in 2025"
Henry von Siebenthal, Psalms, 2024,