Mattew 16:13-17,"Portraits of Jesus Part 5: From You"
Philipp Hauf, Advent, Matthew, 2024,
Luke 1:1-38, "Potraits of Jesus Part 4: From Others"
Raymond Chen, Advent, Luke, 2024,
Philippians 2:5-11, "Portraits of Jesus Part 3 - From the Son"
Philipp Hauf, Advent, Philippians, 2024,
Matthew 17:1-9, "Portraits of Jesus Part 2 - From the Father"
Philipp Hauf, Advent, Matthew, 2024,
Matthew 1:18-25, "Portraits of Jesus Part 1 - From the Prophets"
Philipp Hauf, Advent, Matthew, 2024,
1 Kings 14:1-31
Arthur Redpath, The Trinity, 1 Kings, 2024,
Seven sayings of the Saviour (part 3) John 19:28-30 & Luke 23:44-47
Philipp Hauf, John, Luke, 2023,
Seven sayings of the Saviour (part 2) - Matthew 27:45-46 & John 19:28-29
Rodrigo Delgado, John, Matthew, 2023,
Seven sayings of the Saviour (part 1) - Luke 23:33-43 & John 19:25-27
Philipp Hauf, John, Luke, 2023,
Galatians 4:1-7, "A Unique Birth: His Time"
Philipp Hauf, Advent, Galatians, 2022,
2 Corinthians 8-9 "Principle of Giving" part II
David Manduka, Principle of Giving, 2 Corinthians, 2022,
2 Corinthians 8-9 "Principle of Giving" part I
David Manduka, Principle of Giving, 2 Corinthians, 2022,
Matthew 2:1-12 "Christmas in worship"
Mark Hill, Advent, Matthew, 2022,
Luke 2:1-20 "Christmas in action in the New Testament"
Stephan Schmid, Advent, Luke, 2021,
Matthew 16:18b–19 "Victory in Jesus for the Church (2)"
David Manduka, The Church, Matthew, 2021,
Matthew 16:16-18a "Victory in Jesus for the Church (1)"
David Manduka, The Church, Matthew, 2021,
Matthew 28:19b-20a "The mission of the church (3): baptize & teach"
David Manduka, The Church, Matthew, 2021,
Matthew 28:19a "The Mission of the Church (2): make disciples of all nations"
David Manduka, The Church, Matthew, 2021,
Matthew 28:18, 20b "The Mission of the Church (1): authority & promise
David Manduka, The Church, Matthew, 2021,
Philippians 1:12-18a "That Christ be proclaimed"
Mark Hill, The Church, Philippians, 2021,