
Matthew 16:18b–19 "Victory in Jesus for the Church (2)"

David Manduka, The Church, Matthew, 2021,

Matthew 16:16-18a "Victory in Jesus for the Church (1)"

David Manduka, The Church, Matthew, 2021,

Matthew 28:19b-20a "The mission of the church (3): baptize & teach"

David Manduka, The Church, Matthew, 2021,

Matthew 28:19a "The Mission of the Church (2): make disciples of all nations"

David Manduka, The Church, Matthew, 2021,

Matthew 28:18, 20b "The Mission of the Church (1): authority & promise

David Manduka, The Church, Matthew, 2021,

Philippians 1:12-18a "That Christ be proclaimed"

Mark Hill, The Church, Philippians, 2021,

Understanding diversity in the church, part 2

David Manduka, The Church, 2021,

Understanding diversity in the church, part 1

David Manduka, The Church, 2021,

"One Body under one Head, but many local churches"

David Manduka, The Church, 2021,

1 Corinthians 12:13 "The Church: united by one Spirit"

David Manduka, The Church, 1 Corinthians, Acts, 2021,

Matthew 16:18b "The Lord Jesus Christ and HIS church"

The Church, Matthew, 2021,

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